Our ancestors - who are we?
Solveig Helene Korseberg 
Solveig Korseberg (Greetings from Aina)
Solveig Helene Korseberg is born in Korseberg, Østfold, and already as a young girl her interest for the ancestors was present.
From the end of the eighties I have searched and investigated my ancestors on my grandmother Ida´s side from Lyngen in Troms. One has to start one place or the other and we, my sister Synøve and I, at Korseberg - were very eager about finding relatives who lived farthest away. The one who live nearest are easy to remember, we believe, but that is not the case. Not enough were written down while it stil was time for it. I thought my memory was good, but I was completely wrong. In addition, the older generations were very fond of using the oral method, and they were experienced storytellers and had an exccelent talent for it. However, even if much work is still left to do, quite a lot of information has already been collected.
As I have written in the preface to my booklet "Family History for Descendants of Peder and Pal (Paul) Olson", my sister and I were very eager to find out where our ancestors on grandmother's (mother to our father) side came from. According to the "Lyngen Bygdebok" it was from the village Vågå in Gudbrandsdalen, and I was the one who first visited this region, spent some time there and started to dig into the matter. Everyone I met, and still meet over there, is incredible hospitable and nice. Gudbrandsdalen is the foremost of all valleies, beautiful and having an age-old tradition. Likewise the Lyngsalps in Troms are the mountains of all mountains. The county of Nordland, with its beautiful and more gentle scenery, also has got a large part in my heart. It has brought up Hamsund's Knut and has been the arena for the great poet Petter Dass.
Motto: I have the free-hearted earth for mother, and God for father (Kahlil Gibrand)