Our ancestors - who are we?
Our ancestors - Details from Djupvik 
(Back) Ida Othilie Korseberg (Karoline Nilsen Aukala) (Letter from Karoline to Ida) (Ragna Vinje - obituary)
Djupvik i Kåfjord, Troms. Descendants of Paul Olsen moved to this place The farm Djupvik
Vessels on the Lyngen fiord outside Djupvik
Reunion in Djupvik in 1993 (namelist -.php - for the reunion) (namelist - pdf - for reunion)
Johanna Nilsdatter Djupvik, Paul Olsens second wife
Ancestors of Johanna Nilsdatters How to make gudbrandsdøler Tomato jam
Paul Marius Paulsen, Djupvik Pioner and fisherman
Ida Othilie, married to Thomas F. Korseberg
Laila Paulsen, Djupvik (Laila Paulsen - obituary)